30 ml sferik ma'noda shisha idishlar
Ushbu 30 ml sferik shishalar kichik hajmli suyuqlik va kukunlar uchun juda mos keladi. Ular kavisli tashqi yuzani namoyish etadilar, ular stakanga qo'llaniladigan sirtlar va qoplamalarning ko'rinishini kuchaytiradigan.
Shishalar maxsus pompaster uchta yig'ish yig'inlari bilan foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan. The dropper tips consist of an aluminum shell anodized for durability, a PP inner lining for chemical resistance, an NBR rubber cap for a leak-free seal and a precision 7mm low borosilicate glass dropper tube. The dropper tips allow for precisely measured dispensing of the bottle's contents, making the packaging ideal for concentrates, freeze dried formulations and other products requiring small, accurate doses.
The minimum order quantities of 50,000 bottles for standard color caps and 50,000 bottles for custom color caps indicate the packaging is targeted at large-scale production. Yuqori darajadagi Iqtisodiy birlik jihozni sozlash variantlariga qaramay, idishlar va qalpoqlilar uchun narxlarni narxlash imkonini beradi.
In summary, the 30 ml spherical bottles with custom dropper tips offer a cost-effective and visually appealing glass packaging solution for small-volume liquids and powders requiring precise dosing. The round shape enhances the appeal of surface finishes, while the combination of anodized aluminum, rubber and borosilicate glass in the dropper tips ensures chemical resistance, an airtight seal and dosing accuracy. Minimal buyurtma miqdorini yuqori hajmdagi ishlab chiqaruvchilar uchun xarajat qiladi.